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Sponsor: House of Bacchus Wine and Spirit Store
Artists: Mary Lou Lunt
Location: House of Bacchus Wine and Spirit Store
Georgetown Plaza, 1000 East Ridge Road

 House of Bacchus is Rochester’s premier wine and spirit store with a reputation for exceptional customer service, selection and innovative new services and promotions.  Our participation in the wonderful Irondequoit Lighthouse Trail community art project led to a most fitting discovery.  House of Bacchus is located on former farmland and in an area that once had many vineyards and wineries as well.

 Artist Mary Lou Lunt was inspired by this information and the subtle connection to our business, which resulted in her outstanding design for “Reflections: Images of Irondequoit’s Past”.  Known for her portrait paintings, Mary Lou utilizes this style to create the breathtakingly beautiful charcoal drawings on this lighthouse that depict vintage photos of Irondequoit.

                             The land of Irondequoit, upon which you now stand,
                            was fertile ground for prosperous vineyards and farms
                    in the late 1800’s and mid 1900’s”

-          Excerpt from “Reflections: Images of Irondequoit’s Past”

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